



牛津英语七年级预备课程unit 3教案

the first lesson

[teaching content]

unit 3 welcome and listening

[teaching aims and demands]

knowledge aims:  

1. learn the new words, especially, some personal pronouns and some useful adj, like big and strong, small and thin, tall and thin, tall and slim, short and pretty.

2. ss get to know the grammar: in a simple present tense sentence, which includes “be”, when can ss use “am, is, are”?

ability aims:      

1. communicative ability, teach students how to greet suitably and how to ask one’s ages.

[teaching difficulties and importance]  

1. the spelling of some words, such as, classmate, twelve, polite, helpful, england, english, america, american and know.

2. learn personal pronouns “we, they, me”

3. this is the most difficult: in a simple present tense sentence, which includes “be”, when can ss use “am, is, are”?

[teaching tools]     projector and students’ book

[teaching procedure]


1.teach the new words

ask the students to read all of the new words before teaching. one student reads five words, so that the teacher can correct their mistakes in phonetics.

2. ask students to read all of the new words, so that they are familiar with them before coming into the text.

3. the teacher needn’t lead them by himself/ herself, because students have already learned the words in the primary school, and they are all very easy and usual words.

4. as for the spelling of the new words, there are some in which students always have difficulty, such as, classmate, twelve, polite, helpful, england, english, america, american and know.

step 1 presentation

have a casual chat with students, asking these questions:

do you have friends? 

who are they?

who is your best friend? 

what’s his/ her name?

so that the teacher can lead to the subject of this unit.

step 2 welcome to the unit

1. ask the students to read the dialogues of this part first, and see if they can read it correctly.

2. ask them to read the dialogues again to grasp the meaning of it, and answer these questions:

what’s the name of the girl in a pink dress?  

who is the girl in a yellow dress?  

who is andy?  

how old is millie?  

how old is jill?   

are jill and millie classmates?   

how is andy?

3. guide students to replace all of the names in the dialogues with the names of their classmates and use some similar words and similar sentences to make another dialogue of their own.5页,当前第112345


for example,   i’m twelve= i’m 12 years old, i’m 12 years.   

i’m twelve too= i’m also 12.   

he is polite and helpful= he is helpful and he is polite

4. let ss do pair work and give students chances to show their dialogues.

step 3   listening

1. pre-listening.

1) ask students to read the pairs of words in part a, and then instruct them to find the opposite word of each word.

2) afterwards, ask students to make sentences with each word and each pair, using the structure:   “sb. is …”       “sb. is … and …”

3)  at last, the teacher asks questions like:

who is big and strong in our class?  

who is small and thin in our class?   

who is tall and slim in our class? 

who is short and pretty in our class?

so that they can understand the words well and at the same time learn to use english.

2. do the exercises of part b.

3. post- listening. take the chance to teach students grammar of a simple present tense sentence, which includes “be”.

主语控制谓语,谓语动词什么时候用am, is, are, 要看主语,口诀:

单数is,复数are,i 配am,you 配are。


step 4  summary, further learning and do workbook.

tell ss the difference between slim and thin, the difference between tall and high, and the difference between short and low.

step 5   homework

the second lesson

[teaching content]

unit 3  speaking and reading

[teaching aims and demands]

knowledge aims:   1. learn the new words.

2. know the transformations of a simple present tense sentence, which includes “be”: the interrogative form, affirmative and negative reply.

ability aims:      

1. communicative ability, teach students to greet suitably and to describe one’s friends’ appearance or personality..

2. ss write an article of introducing one’s friends.

[teaching difficulties and importance]  

1. in a simple present tense sentence, which includes “be”, when can ss use “am, is, are”?

2. know the difference between “england” and “english”, the difference between “america” and “american”.5页,当前第212345


3. here is the greatest difficulty: the transformations of a simple present tense sentence, which includes “be”: the interrogative form, affirmative and negative reply.

[teaching tools]     projector and students’ book

[teaching procedure]

step 1. revision and pre- speaking

1. review grammar.

主语控制谓语,谓语动词什么时候用am, is, are, 要看主语,口诀:

单数is,复数are,i 配am,you 配are。

2. teach the transformations of a simple present tense sentence, which includes “be”: the interrogative form, affirmative and negative reply.

含有be的句子的一般疑问句,肯定回答,   否定回答,

are you happy?              yes, i am.      no, i’m not.

am i happy?                yes, you are.    no, you aren’t.

is he happy?                 yes, he is.      no, he isn’t.

is she happy?                yes, she is.     no, she isn’t.

are we happy?               yes, you are.    no, you aren’t.

are you happy?              yes, we are.     no, we aren’t.

are they happy?              yes, they are.    no, they aren’t.

3. ask students to read them and copy them again and again.

step 2 speaking

1.       ask the students read the dialogue models in this part, and correct their mistakes in phonetics.

2.       direct them to play the role in order to be familiar with the structure of the dialogue.

3.       guide students to replace the blue words and phrases to make their own dialogues according the pictures in this part, following the dialogue models.

4.       pair work and give students chances to show their dialogues.

step 3 reading

2. ask students to read the dialogue in this part by themselves twice, and get ready to answer these questions:

what’s the name of the girl?    

who is the woman?   5页,当前第312345


how many new friends does jill have?  

who are they?   

is sammi a girl or a boy?

how old is she?  

is she short and slim? 

where is she from? 

is she an english girl or an american girl?  

is pat a girl or a boy? how old is he?  

is he short and slim? 

where is he from? 

is he an english boy or an american boy?

3. guide students to do the exercise under the dialogue.

4. direct students to use some similar words, similar sentences and other names to replace the dialogue, making another dialogue of their own.

for example, thank you= thanks,            she’s short and slim = she’s short and she’s slim, 

she is from england = she comes from england,       she is english= she is an english girl, 

he’s twelve too= he is also twelve,            he’s from america= he comes from america, 

he is american= he is an american boy.

5. ask students to rewrite the dialogue down in the exercise book, so that they can finish an article of their own.

step 4   grammar

1. review grammar.

谓语动词什么时候用am, is, are, 要看主语,主语控制谓语,口诀:

单数is,复数are,i 配am,you 配are。

review the transformations of a simple present tense sentence, which includes “be”: the interrogative form, affirmative and negative reply.

含有be的句子的一般疑问句,肯定回答,否定回答,are you happy?     yes, i am.    no, i’m not.

am i happy?     yes, you are.    no, you aren’t.

is he happy?      yes, he is.      no, he isn’t.

is she happy?     yes, she is.     no, she isn’t.

are we happy?    yes, you are.    no, you aren’t.

are you happy?    yes, we are.    no, we aren’t.

are they happy?    yes, they are.  no, they aren’t.

by the way, tell ss that “yes, i am. yes, he is. 当i am, he is在句末时,不能合并。”

2. do the exercise of part a. after that, spend some time teaching the phrase “let sb. do sth.”

3. teach ss personal pronouns, and guide them to fill in the form with personal pronouns of part b, including both subject forms and object subject forms.

3. ask students to read the exercise again and again.

step 5   task5页,当前第412345


1. explain what the form of this part is about, and firstly, ask students some questions orally according to the form.

2. guide students to finish the blank- filling exercise.

3. after that, lead students to read the article again and again.

step 6 summary, and further knowledge and ability

1. we are all chinese.= we are all chinese students

2. england has other names, such as britain, uk

3. english means “英国的,英国人的,英语”, but it doesn’t mean “英国人”. so ss can say “she is english.” or “she is an english girl.”, but can’t say “she is an english”

4. teach ss the correct word order of the phrase “four new classmates”.

5. 并列成分的最后一个之前加and,如: she is small, thin and polite.

step 7   homework

1. copy the transformations of a simple present tense sentence, which includes “be”: the interrogative form, affirmative and negative reply.

2. ask students to rewrite the dialogue of reading part, so as to finish an article of their own.

上一篇:How many people are there in your family 下一篇:Unit 1 Visiting relatives