
Unit 1 Getting to know you


Unit 1 Getting to know you

topic 1 nice to meet you

section a(第1课时)一、教学课题:to know english (认识英语)二、教学内容:1. let the students to know the english.               2. to show something about the english              3. the way to learn english.三、教学目标:1. make the students to know the importance of the english.              2. to stimulate the interest of learning english.四、教学重点:英语的重要性。五、教学难点:英语学习兴趣的激发。六、教学准备:让学生准备一些生活中常见的含有英语的图片。七、教具:1.小黑板2. 常见的一些带有英语字母或单词的物品。(如:衣服,礼品盒,食物等)。八、课型:new lesson九、教学过程:


设计意图学生展示图片,讨论生活中的英语标识。让学生在展示中了解英语猜猜看,让学生猜测教师展示的图片或物品。激发学生的求知欲望。让学生了解简单的一些英语日常用语。如hi! good morning等。通过一些学生使用的日常用语,让学生体会英语的趣味性。学生讨论学习英语的方法体现学生自主学习。教师总结相关的学习方式、方法。给学生一个具体的可行的方案。step 1 presentation       use the computer; let the students know what english is.step 2 talk and write  let students look at some pictures, get them guess what they are.step 3. discuss and read   divide the whole class into several groups. make them write and discuss what’s in english in our life.step 4 team competition get each team to write how to learn english. help them to make a plan of english learning.step 5 summarizationteacher made a conclusion. get the students know the importance of the english.  十、课后小结本节课是让学生通过对一些物品或图片的欣赏,让学生对英语有一定的了解,其实也就是学习别人说话。让学生能产生学习英语的兴趣和热情。

section a(第2课时)一、教学课题:hello! section a二、教学内容:1.对字母aa~gg的认识,包括它们的读音、笔顺和类别。2. 人们早晨、上午见面的问候语以及朋友之间或熟人之间的打招呼问候语。三、教学目标:通过学习让学生掌握简单的日常交际用语。四、教学重点:询问名字的方法及回答。五、教学难点:英文字母的书写及应用。六、教学准备: 安排学生课前准备好相关的字母卡片。七、教具:字母卡片。人物图片。八、课型:新授九、教学过程



Unit 1 Getting to know you

step 1.presentation to ask students to “stand up”, use the gesture to make the students know the meaning of the “stand up”, “sit down”.step 2 practice get the students to speak and practice. divide the class into 4 groups and then have a competition.step 3 teach the english letters get the students to know how to read and write the letters.aa bb cc dd ee ff gg step 4 writingget the students to write the letters as the teacher does. step 5 action get the students to act out the dialoguethen to have them make a competitionstep 6 listen and sayaa-air to air(空对空)abc-american broadcasting company(美国广播公司)ad — advertisement (广告)bbc- british broadcasting company(英国广播公司)bc- before christ(公元前)caac-civil aviation administration of china (中国民航)step7 homeworkget the students to copy the english words from aa to gg十、课后小结本课通过对一些情景对话的体验,让学生了解并掌握最基本的英语问候语。通过字母卡片的运用,让学生熟练掌握好英文字母的发音,书写。

section b一、教学课题:section b二、教学内容:1.对字母hh~nn的认识,包括它们的读音、笔顺和类别。2. 人们初次见面时的介绍语,教室里教师和学生之间的问候语。三、教学目标:1。通过对情景的体验练习让学生掌握真实有效的交际用语。              2.掌握字母 hh~nn的读音、笔顺和类别四、教学重点: 介绍朋友的日常用语五、教学难点:英文字母 hh~nn的书写及应用。六、教学准备:安排学生课前准备好相关的字母卡片。七、教具: 字母卡片,人物图片,以及小黑板。八、课型:new lesson九、教学过程


设计意图问候朋友,情景练习通过复习,让学生熟练运用基本的问候语找朋友通过找朋友练习询问名字的方法交朋友通过交朋友这一活动让学生了解介绍朋友的日常交际用语。小组比赛通过比赛,让学生迅速掌握日常交际用语找字母卡片的练习让学生通过练习进一步掌握字母hh~nn的用法(第1课时)step 1 revision 1.       have a dictation about the english letters from aa to gg 2.       make some dialogues with “hello”, “good morning” “what is your name?step 2 presentation get a student out of classroom, and then make a dialogue with him/ her:— nice to meet you!—nice to meet you, too.point out : stand ——(反义词)sit         up ——(反义词)downstep 3 practice an drillspractice the dialogues and have them act it in front of the class.step 4 competition make four teams have a competition step 5 listen and say hb= hard blackibm= international business machinesfbi= federal bureau of investigation5页,当前第212345

Unit 1 Getting to know you

fifa= federation international football association p.m. + post meridiana.m. = ante meridianstep 6 homeworkget the students to copy the english words from hh~nn(第2课时)step 1 revision-          1. revise the english letters. -          2.have a dictationstep 2 presentation-          get the students to look at the pictures, and tell the students what happened!-          let two students come in front of the classroom.-          this is …..-          this is …..-          how do you do! -          how do you do! step 3. practice -          get the students to act the dialogues in front of the class, then call one of them to go out the classroom.step 4 competition-          have a competition. make the four teams have a competition. step 5 listen and say -          prc = people’s republic of china -          pla = people’s liberation army -          iq = intelligence quotient -          pe = physical education -          hk = hong kong step 6 homeworkget the students to copy the english words from hh~nn十、课后小结本课通过对一些情景对话的体验,让学生了解并掌握介绍朋友的英语问候语。通过字母卡片的运用,让学生熟练掌握好英文字母 hh~nn的发音和书写。

section c一、教学课题:section c二、教学内容:1.对字母oo-tt, uu~zz的认识,包括它们的读音、笔顺和类别。2. 人们见面时的问候语,朋友之间的再见时的交际用语。3.学唱英语歌曲<<the abc song>>三、教学目标:1. 通过对情景的体验练习让学生掌握真实有效的交际用语。              2.掌握字母 uu~zz的读音、笔顺和类别3.学会唱英语歌曲<<the abc song>>四、教学重点: 朋友之间的再见时的交际用语五、教学难点:英文字母 oo~zz的书写及应用。七、教具: 字母卡片,人物图片,以及小黑板。八、课型:new lesson九、教学过程



Unit 1 Getting to know you

通过活动让学生掌握朋友之间的再见时的交际用语小组比赛通过比赛,让学生迅速掌握日常交际用语找字母卡片的练习让学生通过练习进一步掌握字母hh~nn的用法step 1 revision1. revise the english letters2. have some greetingsstep 2 presentationask a student to answer teacher’s question:what’s your name?how are you?how do you do?help him or her to answer these questions.then ask two students to act two students meet in the schoolyard. tell them how to say “goodbye” to friends.“see you later” “see you”step 3 practicemake the students to practice the dialogue. call some pairs to act in front of the class.step 4 listen and sayget the students to learn the letters from oo to zz. then teach them how to write.step 5 listen, read and say.ufo = unidentified flying object 不明飞行物uk= united kingdom 联合王国un= united nations 联合国ems= express mail send特快专递nba= national basketball association美国职业篮球联赛vip= very important person  重要人物wto = world trade organization世界贸易组织www = world wide web 万维网who= world health organization世界卫生组织atm =automated teller machine  自动取款(出纳)机picc= 太平洋保险公司diy= do it yourself 自己动手做cctv= china center television step 6 work aloneget the students look at the part 3 let the students add the missing letters.step 7 class activitiesget the students sing the english song the “the abc song”step 8 homeworkget the students to copy the english words from oo to zz.十、课后小结本课通过对一些情景对话的体验,让学生了解并掌握朋友之间的再见时的交际用语。通过字母卡片的运用以及英语歌曲的演唱,让学生熟练掌握好英文字母 aa~zz的发音和书写

section d一、教学课题:section d二、教学内容:1复习对字母aa~zz的认识,包括它们的读音、笔顺和类别。2.复习人们日常的交际用语。3.熟练掌握be动词am, is, are的用法三、教学目标:1. 通过复习让学生掌握真实有效的交际用语。              2.掌握字母 aa~zz的读音、笔顺和类别3.学会be动词am, is, are的用法四、教学重点:  be动词am, is, are的用法五、教学难点:be动词am, is, are的用法。七、教具: 字母卡片,人物图片,以及小黑板。八、课型:revision九、教学过程


设计意图猜猜“他/她”是谁?通过表演,让学生知道第三人称he / she 的用法英语口诀通过口诀让学生掌握be动词am, is, are的用法小组比赛通过比赛,让学生迅速掌握日常交际用语am, is, are 练习让学生通过练习进一步掌握be动词am, is, are的用法step 1 revision1. using the cards to revise the english letters from aa to zz.2. get a student to introduce himself or herself.3. revise the greetings.5页,当前第412345

Unit 1 Getting to know you

step 2 presentation 1. ask a student to go out of classroom, and then ask whole class:” what’s his/ her name?help them to answer:“his/her name is …….” then ask students: “is he …….?”help them to answer “yes, he is. /   no, he isn’t.”2. call some students in front of the classroom. then cover their eyes with the cloth, ask several students to say something to him / her, let the boy or girl guess who is he /she?is he …..?is she …..?step 3 practice get some students act the dialogue in front of the classroom.step 4 pair work get the students to look at part 2 on the book page 7, and then complete the conversation and practice with their partners. step 5 grammar focus 1. how to use be-verbs  我用(am),你用(are),is用在他(he),她(she),它(it),单数用is复数都用are.。2. practice get the students to fill in the blanks on part 4, page 8.step 6 homework你点我通,看看谁能根据上句或者下句快速做出反应,给出两种不同的答案。1. -what's  your  name  ?a.______________________ b.___________________2. ­- sit down ,please .a.______________________ b.___________________3.good bye!a.______________________ b.___________________4.how are   you?a.______________________ b.___________________-          十、课后小结本课通过对日常交际用语的复习,让学生进一步熟练运用早晨,中午,下午,以及问名字,介绍新朋友的交际用语。5页,当前第512345
上一篇:Unit6 Do you like bananas? 新目标七上教案及同步练习 下一篇:七年级英语上册Module1 Unit1教学设计