
Unit 5 Going shopping


Unit 5 Going shopping

unit 5 going shopping


                      班级:¬¬¬¬_____姓名: ___________学号:____

1.be free(have time), in one’s free/ spare time ,  free (免费)tickets ,  move freely

  ①i’m quite f______ these days so i can go anywhere f__________.

 ②in my f_______ (spare) time ,i like going shopping with my mother.

2. prefer(-red, -red, -ring )=like… better  

  ① prefer sth / like … better  eg:我更喜欢那件新的牛仔裤。

a. i___________ the new jeans.  b. i ________ the new jeans _________.

② prefer to do sth. =  would rather do sth.  宁愿做某事

  eg: lucy 宁愿一个人呆在家里。

  a. lily_________________ at home alone. b. lily __________________at home alone.

③ prefer doing a  to doing b  =  would rather do a. than do b.  比起… 更愿意…

    eg: 比起玩电脑游戏tom更愿意多看点书。



3. take (__________,_________) /spend (________, ________)/

pay (_________,_________)/ cost (_________,_________)





eg: 这块手表多少钱?

how much is the watch?  =  how much _____ the watch _______?

= what’s the _____ of this watch?

4. mind ①a: i’m sorry i’m late .    b: never mind. = it doesn’t matter.

  ② mind (介意) (sb.) doing sth

eg: would you mind _______(make ) some room for the patient ?

③ make up one’s mind to do= decide to do = make a decision to do     

change one’s mind  (主意)

5. match(es)  ①  there will be two ___________ ( 比赛) next week.

            ②  it’s dangerous to play with the  _________ (火柴)

③  与… 相配   the colour of the shirt _________ ( goes well with) the coat .

6. hear (heard, heard) 强调听的结果,听见,听到 。 listen (to…) 强调听的动作过程,听。

  ①i ____________ (听) the teacher carefully, but i still couldn’t __________(听 ) her clearly. 

②hear sb. do sth  意为“听见某人做某事”,指听到了这个动作的全过程;

hear sb. doing sth.意为“听到某人做某事”,指听到时候,这个动作正在发生。3页,当前第1123

Unit 5 Going shopping

eg:我经常听见他在教室里唱歌。    i often hear him_________ in the classroom.  

你听见有人在敲门吗?        do you hear some one______________ at the door?

         ( 和hear的用法一样的还有see、watch、notice等。)

see / watch / notice sb. do sth     意为“看见某人做某事”,指看到了这个动作的全过程;

see / watch / notice sb. doing sth意为“看到某人做某事”,指看到时候,动作正在发生。

③ 常见用法还有:hear of … (听说)    /     sb. hear that + 从句

/ hear from sb. 收到某人的来信 = get a letter from sb.

 eg: i have never __________________the famous singer before. 

    i _________ that she got married.

    i haven’t _______________ my pen-friend for three months.

7. show  (showed, shown ) 

 常见用法:①show sb. sth. / show sth. to sb把某物给某人看

 ②show sb. around+某地 带某人参观某地

③show great interest(n) in... 对…显示出极大的兴趣

eg:  kitty ______________________ their school by millie last week..

    dave likes playing the piano ,he _________________________it.

    could you ____________ your new watch_________ me?

8. buy/ get/ make sth for sb = buy/ get/ make sth sb sth  

9.there be 句型 ①there  is/ are … ②there  will be …(将要有…)③  there was/ were …  ④ there  have/has  been… (已经有了…)⑤there be ……… doing sth. 有…正在…

eg:  ①a:  what was near the park?

b: ______________ an old museum there before.

②_________________ an important meeting in our school next week.

③it’s a sunny day! _______________ many people here on vacation.

④when i am playing a game, there are always lots of people ____________(wait)

   for me to finish.

⑤_____________________ great changes in my hometown since 1990.


构成: 主语… be (am /is/are) …v-ing

时间状语:now / at present /at the moment /right now /these days / look /listen …

现在分词;① 直接+ing  eating ②去e+ing coming

③ 双写+ing  run-running  shop-shopping  swim-swimming

chat-chatting   get-getting   sit-sitting  stop-stopping  plan-planning

④ lie-lying  , die – dying  , tie- tying 

  eg: ① listen! some boys ___________ about harry potter .let’s join them.

       a. were talking    b. are talking    c. have talked    d. talk 3页,当前第2123

Unit 5 Going shopping

     ② a: what ________ under your bed, nick? ----- b: oh ,where’s my model plane,dad

       a. do you do   b. are you doing    c. have you done   d. did you do

     ③ on my way to the shopping center ,i found a bag full of things _____ on the floor.

       a. is lying    b. lying     c. lay     d. lied

11. 介词用法:

①if you would like to donate some money, please call us______ on 5551 3871.

②she is crying_____ with her hands_____ on her stomach.

③when you are _______  in trouble, you can call 110____ for help.

④there’s a discount______ on last year’s cards.42.

⑤there isn't anything new________ in today's newspaper.

12. i like watching a film before i go shopping.  =  before _________ shopping.

13. the mall is a really fun place __________ (go). it's a good place _________ (meet) friends.

14. it’s better for the middle school students _____________(不要呆在外面太晚).

15.----can i help you?= what can i do for you?

-----i would like a skirt for my daughter. = i am looking for a skirt for my daughter.


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