
七年级英语下册Unit 3 Finding your way学案


七年级英语下册Unit 3 Finding your way学案

unit 3 finding your way

课题: comic strips & welcome to the unit(第一课时)   


1. 引入有关地点和交通的话题。    

2. 谈论参观访问和交通方式。   3.辨别方位。



认识路__________________  爬上山      ____________

跟随我__________________  在北京的西南_______________

下来  __________________  乘地铁去市中心____________________

不要害怕 ________________  不得不 ________________

一次春游________________  进行一次远足________________



1. guangzhou is in the ____________ of china.

2.beijing is in the ______________ of china.

3.shanghai is in the ______________of china

4. kunming is in the _______________ of china.

5. harbin is in the  ________________ of china.

6.xinjiang is in the _________________ of china.


1. we are _________(害怕) of tigers.

2. my daughter likes ___________ (跟随) me to go shopping.

3. i’m ______ (确信) i know the way.

4. it’s raining outside. he ____________(have to) stay at home.

5. let’s __________(go) to the zoo tomorrow.

6. it takes half an hour ___________(drive) to the lake park.

三、 根据p43 所给图示及首字母完成对话。

a:  e ________ m__________.  where is the sunnyside garden?

b:  it’s n________________ of the zoo.

a:  h________ can i get there?

b:  you can go there b_______ bus.

a:  w _________ bus shall i t____________?

b:  the no.1 bus.

a:  thank you .

b:  you are w____________.


一、 句型转换

1. let’s enjoy beijing opera here. ( 改为同意句 )

________ we  enjoy beijing opera here?

2. be late for school.( 改为否定句 )

 ________ __________ late for school.

3. i think we can go there by underground. ( 改为否定句 )

i _______ think we _________  go there by underground.

4. she goes to the zoo by bus. ( 对划线部分提问 )

________ _________ she ________ to the zoo.

5. the sunnyside garden is north –west of the zoo. ( 改为一般疑问句 )

_______ the sunnyside garden ___________ of the zoo.

6. simon walks to the supermarket. ( 改为同意句 )

simon __________ to the supermarket __________ ________.

7. they go to the park by bike. ( 改为同意句 )

  they ________ a bike to the park.

8. the zoo is north of the lake park. ( 对划线部分提问)

 __________ __________ the zoo?


1. don’t be so sure. let’s ask the teacher for help.15页,当前第1123456789101112131415

七年级英语下册Unit 3 Finding your way学案


2. don’t be afraid. we are all here to help you.


3. tom is going up the hill.


4. let’s help miss li carry the books.


5. some people are afraid of dogs.












unit 3 finding your way

课题: reading(1) (第二课时)  







1.a lucky escape             2.drive/run to      

3. at once                      4.turn left into park road     

5.drive away                      6.try to do sth.    

7.try again                       8. be surprised to do sth.   

9.meet at the station               10.take different routes     

11.push into                     12.turn right into fourth street

13.驾车去上班                  14..警服                      

15.下公共汽车                  16.下小汽车                

17.走另一条线路                18.在公园路向左转           15页,当前第2123456789101112131415

七年级英语下册Unit 3 Finding your way学案

19.在交通灯处                  20.逃跑                 



1.who is making a call to the twin brothers?_________________________

2.where are the robbers?__________________________________________

3.how do the twins go to hill building?______________________________

4.what do the robbers push the twins into?____________________________

5.how do the twins open the back door of the van?______________________

6.who do the twins see at the police station?___________________________


justin and paul are ___________ brothers. they are at home. susan ___________ them for help. there are some __________in the building. they ________ there quickly. three men in police uniform ______ ________ out of the building. they___________ justin and paul into the back of a green van. paul_______the back door _______his knife. when the van stops at the _______ lights, they __________out of it. they take different r____________ to run away. when they _________ at the police station, they are _________ to see the three men there. the policemen ________the van because the back door of the van is _________. the three men try to run away, but the policemen catch them in the end.



1.the man _____ __________ ____________ (着警察制服) is daniel’s uncle.

2.every morning my father _______ _______ ________(开车带我去) school.

3.  lucy ______ _______ ______(跑出) the classroom after school.

4. everyone ____ ___________ ______(吃惊地看见) see a big cat when it ________ _________ _________(跳出) the box.

5. policemen often help students cross the road _____ ______ __________


6. shall we ______ _________ __________ (走不同的路线) to the shopping mall? let’s see who is faster.


1.there is something wrong with my watch. it doesn’t w_____.

2. mr green usually does to work on foot. but today he wants to d____ to work.

3.she doesn’t work hard at english, so she f_____ in the exam.

4. when the t_____ light is red, we can’t cross the road.

5.lucy is r_________ something to the teacher.

6. the two students in school u_______ are in no. 1 middle school.

7.we can take different r________ to the police station.

8. he is s__________ to hear the news.

9.i’d like a________ cup of coffee.15页,当前第3123456789101112131415

七年级英语下册Unit 3 Finding your way学案

10.what do you m_______ by this word?


1. paul 试图打开门,但没有成功。


2. 让我们跑到位于第四大街的警察局吧 。


3. 我将沿着这条路一直走。


4. 你先左拐然后右拐.


5. 当老师进来的时候,学生们停止了讲话。


6. 他完成作业后就立刻回家。


unit 3 finding your way

课题: reading(2) (第三课时)   






justin:where is the police station?

paul:it’s_________4th street.

justin: _______we_________different routes?

paul: ok! i’ll go_________6th street. then i’ll turn _______into park road

     and turn _________into 4th street to the police station.

justin: ok! ______ _______ ________ take another _________. i’ll turn

       _______ into 7th street and turn ________ into park road. then i’ll go

      to the police  station.



1. will you tell me the story _________ lei feng?

2. you can lock the door _________ the key.

3. the robbers push the door open and run___________.

4. let’s meet _________ the traffic lights.

5. shanghai is _________ the east of china.

6. the hospital is _________ 4th street.

7.the man _________ the uniform ran _________ _________ the building

at once.

8.i can’t open the door ________the knife.

9. let’s drive ______xuanwu lake.

10. don’t jump ______ _______ ________ the window. it’s too dangerous.


1. shall we visit the palace museum?

_______ _______ visiting the palace museum?

_______ _______ visit the palace museum?

2. he uses a knife to open the door.

he _______ the door ________ a knife.

3. their friend ann doesn’t live far away.

their friend ann _________ _________.

4. his father goes to work by car every day.

his father _________ ________ work every day

his father does to work ______ _________ ________ every day..

5. ann calls the twins, “help, help” on the phone.

ann calls the twins _________ _________ on the phone.

6. jim doesn’t pass the english exam.

jim __________ __________ the english exam.

7. he is surprised to see the robbers.15页,当前第4123456789101112131415

七年级英语下册Unit 3 Finding your way学案

_________ he _______ the robbers,he feels very __________.

8  something is wrong with my watch.

   my watch __________ ___________.

9..take the second turning on the right.

  _________ ___________ at the _____________ turning.




   _______ are you _________ so ___________?



3.  他请我从公交车上下来,上他的小轿车.

   he asks ________________ the bus and ______________his car.


   i try ______________________ but ____________.


   the door _____________and you can ______________.

6.  看到他们的父母,这些孩子很吃惊.

   the children _____________________________their parents.

7.  两个盗贼跳出窗口逃走了.

    the two robbers _______________the window and ___________.

8.  他太累了,想停下来休息一下.

   he _________________and he wants to stop__________a rest.


.can you tell me _____ _____ _____ _____the shopping centre?


   ______ ______ ______ ______ you see the ____ ____.


   ____ the teacher comes in, the students ____ _____ _____.

unit 3 finding your way

课题: vocabulary(第四课时)  










1. walk s_____________ on and you’ll find the hospital on your left.

  2.  turn right at the zebra c____________, you’ll see the supermarket.

  3.  my sister works in sunshine h_______________.

  4  there is a dog lying in the c___________ of the room.

  5.  let’s meet at the e_____________ to the cinema this evening.

  6.  your answer is c__________ , but mine is wrong.


1. my brother fails ____________(pass) the exam.

2. she is teaching him how____________(read) a map.15页,当前第5123456789101112131415

七年级英语下册Unit 3 Finding your way学案

3. the bus station is on ____________ (five) street.

4. mum tells me _______________(go) along this street.

5. turn right at the second_____________(cross). the hospital is on your left.

6. cross the street and you _______________(see) the road.


(  ) 1. there are a lot of old buildings on _________ side of the street.

       a. both       b. every       c. each      d. other

(  )  2. can you tell me ________________?

     a.how to get to the policeman station

b.how can i get to the policeman station

c.how i can get to the policeman station.    d.both a and c

(  ) 3. __________and you will see sunshine park.

a. turn right                  b. turn to right

 c. take the turning on the right    d. a ,b and c

(  ) 4. the  policeman asks us to stop _________, and we stop _________at once.

    a. talking, to listen              b. to talk ,to listen

    c. talking, listen                d. talk ,listen

(  ) 5.these two bedrooms are ________________.

     a. the twin’s    b. the twin’s   c. of the twin     d. of the twins

(  )6. __________ to the cinema, take the bus no.5.

      a. get        b. getting      c. gets         d. to get



a: excuse me,______________( 我怎样能到达图书馆 )?

b: sorry, i am new here._____________( 你可以问那边的警察 )

a: excuse me,____________________________(你可以告诉我去图书馆的路吗 )?

b: yes. ____________________________(一直朝前走,再左拐).you can see the zoo._________________________________________(朝右转,来到十字口).


a: thank you.


    peter lived   1   his mother in a very big house and when she died , the house became too big   2   him ,   3   he bought a smaller one in the next street . there was a very nice old clock in   4   first house and when the men came to take his things to the new house for him . peter thought ,“i’m going to let them carry my beautiful old clock in their truck . maybe they’ll   5   it and then it will be very expensive to repair . so he   6   and began to carry it down the road in his arms . it was heavy so he stopped two or three   7   to have a rest .15页,当前第6123456789101112131415

七年级英语下册Unit 3 Finding your way学案

    then suddenly(突然地)a small boy came along the road . he stopped and   8   peter for a few   9   . then he said to peter ,“you are a foolish(愚蠢的)  10   , aren’t you ? why don’t you buy a watch like everybody else ?”

(    )1. a. and   b. in   c. to   d. with

(    )2. a. for   b. with  c. of  d. to

(    )3. a. and   b. or   c. but  d. so

(    )4. a. her   b. his   c. its  d. him

(    )5. a. broken  b. broke   c. break  d. breaking

(    )6. a. picking it up  b. picking them up c. picks it up  d. picked it up

(    )7. a. time   b. timed   c. times  d. timing

(    )8. a. looked at  b. look for  c. look after d. looks at

(    )9. a. second  b. seconds  c. minute  d. minutes

(    )10. a. woman  b. boy   c. man  d. girl

                 unit 3 finding your way

课题: grammar(第五课时) ____________


1. 运用表示移动方位的介词来指明路线。

2. 学会使用will, shall和be going to 以及它们的疑问句和肯定、否定回答形式。

3. 学会用will, shall和be going to进行对话、谈论将来。


预习课本 grammar部分 



2. 你知道一般将来时的构成吗, 试着写出它的结构。



一、 用合适的介词填空

1.turn right __________ the first turning.

2.my mother likes walking __________the supermarket at the weekends.

3.the students are running __________ the playground in the p.e. class.

4.the train is going ____________ the tunnel.

5.don’t climb __________the tree.

6.can you swim ___________ the river in ten minutes?

7.look! hobo is walking _____________ the table.

8. when the traffic lights are red, you can’t walk __________ the road.

二、 按括号内的要求改写句子。

1.they travel to beijing every year.( 用next friday改写)


七年级英语下册Unit 3 Finding your way学案

2.lily doesn’t play with me. (用next time 改写)


3.does mary sing a song for you? (用 tomorrow afternoon改写)


4.where are they playing football? (用next sunday改写)


5.do you help your mother with the cleaning every day? (用 now 改写 )


6.she is going to give us a talk next week ( 改为否定句 )



一、 英汉互译

1. 穿过隧道_____________________ 2. 游过水池______________________

3. 沿着路走_____________________  4. 爬上山________________________

5. 绕着桌子走 ____________________ 6. 跳过椅子______________________

7,.下楼 _________________________ 8. 去火车站的路__________________

9. 穿过田野______________________ 10. 过桥    ______________________


13. 加入我们____________________  14.带纸盘子和叉 __________________

15. 乘公共汽车去颐和园 _____________16. 生起篝火_____________________


1. i __________________( visit ) my teacher next sunday.

2. his uncle _________________ (be) back in a week.

3. _____________ your mother ___________(see) the doctor tomorrow?

4. i hope it _________________ (not snow) tomorrow.

5. my mother often ________________( cook ) for me.

6. can you ___________ (see) a tall building on your left?

7. millie wants ___________ (join) ____________( we ), too.

8. we use a knife ____________ (cut) things.

9. _____________ (get) to the zoo, you must walk ___________( cross ) the bridge and then turn left at the ______________ ( three ) ____________( cross).

三、 单项选择

(  ) 1. it is raining outside. please ________________ the raincoat with you.

        a. take       b. to take     c. bring      d. to bring

(  ) 2. go ___________ the city, and then come to a small village.

        a. through    b. across      c. along       d. on

(  ) 3. mr. wu tells us that the earth ____________ around the sun.

        a. travel      b. travelled    c. travels      d. is going to travel15页,当前第8123456789101112131415

七年级英语下册Unit 3 Finding your way学案

(  ) 4. if it __________ rain tomorrow, we ___________ go on a picnic.

        a. doesn’t: will   b. won’t; will   c. won’t /    d. isn’t; /

(  ) 5. i like walking _______________ the river after supper every day.

         a. at           b. on         c. along     d. through

(  ) 6. the train is leaving   __________ five minutes.

         a. in          b. at           c. after       d. for 

(  ) 7. you can find the bookshop _____________ the end of the street.

         a. on         b. at          c. in          d. for   

(  ) 8. the boy comes out of the room __________ the window.

         a. through     b. over       c. cross        d. across

unit 3  finding your way

课题: integrated skills& study skills(第六课时)  






1.沿着小路___________________    2. 走过一间小木屋____________________

2. 举行聚会____________________  4. 在街道的拐角处____________________

5. 朝市场走去__________________  6.在红绿灯处过马路___________________

7. 一直往前走___________________ 8.在右边走第二个拐弯_________________

9. 在地底下  ___________________10. 走下山   ________________________


一、 根据及中文提示完成句子

1. cross the road at the ___________(交通) lights

2. there is a ____________(木头的) house next to the river.

3. walk across the ____________(田地) and you’ll see his house.

5. walk straight on and take the second __________(拐弯) on the left.

6. excuse me, how can i get to the ____________(市场).

7. walk down the ________________(小路) and you will see a bridge.

二、 完成对话

a: _______ ______, could you _____ me the _____ ______sunshine secondary school?15页,当前第9123456789101112131415

七年级英语下册Unit 3 Finding your way学案

b: _______. go ______ park road, and _______ right at the first ______. then walk ______ ______ until the end of the street. you’ll find it on your left.

a: ______ ______ is it?

b: it is about 5 kilometers.

a: can i ______ a ______ there?

b: of course you can.

a: ______ bus shall i take?

b: no2 bus.

a: thanks a lot.

b: ______________ _____________.


一. 所给词的正确形式填空

1. my uncle _____________(fly) to the palace museum this sunday.

2. why don’t _____________(write) down your name?

3. when the teacher comes into the classroom, the students stop ________(talk).

4. paul tries ________________ (open) the door but fails.

5. he is surprised ________(see) the three men in policemen in the police station.

6. be quite, they __________ (have) a meeting.

7. i hope it __________(rain) tomorrow.

8. my parents always tell me __________ (work) hard.


1. the students will go to the cinema tomorrow. ( 改为否定句)


2. she will drive to the market tomorrow. ( 对划线部分提问)


3. turn right at the first turning.(改为同意句)


4. we shall meet at the school gate. ( 对划线部分提问)


5. to walk from my home to school is not very easy. ( 改为同意句)


6. shall we have a picnic in the country? ( 改为同意句)











5. 第三个路口右拐,过桥。你可以看见右边的花园大厦。


6. 你愿意参加下周三的聚会吗? 是的,非常愿意。



7. 从你家走到我家很容易。


8 .看到他妈妈朝他走来,他很激动。


unit 3  finding your way15页,当前第10123456789101112131415

七年级英语下册Unit 3 Finding your way学案

课题: main task (第七课时)                         


1. 了解邀请函的写作格式。

2. 能在写邀请函的语境中组织信息并指明路线。

词汇 picnic  everybody  monitor  exit   bank   right

词组fast food   at the corner    half of the students  



1.吃烧烤 _________________________ 2. 进行野餐_____________________

3. 盼望放一天假_____________________ 4. 参加聚会____________________

5. 查找一些信息______________________6. 大部分中国人________________

3. 过街____________________________  8. 开车上班_____________________

9.玩不同的游戏______________________ 10. 告别派对 ___________________

11.在公园的大门_____________________ 12. 一直走_____________________

13. 沿着马路走______________________ 14. 走过一家超市_________________

15. 邀请去北京_____________________  16. 在星期日早晨_________________课堂训练


1.be careful when you go __________(cross) the road.

2.turn left at the _____________(five) turning, and you’ll find a hotel on your right.

3.let’s have lunch _____________(quick).

4.we are looking forward to _____________(see) you again.

5.our classmates _____________(visit) the summer palace tomorrow.

6.she lives ___________(near) in hill bank.

7.the students stopped __________(laugh) when the teacher came into the classroom.

1. there are three _____________ (rob) in hill building.


  we will have a f___________ party for the students from beijing o_____ sunday.

the party will start at eight in the e_____________ at tom’s house. tom lives on park streets. and it’s e____________ to find. go s____________ on to the library. turn r______________ into the park street. at the t_____________ lights, turn right you’ll see tom’s house on your left. if you can’t find it,please c____________ 882-9966.

课后巩固  一、选择填空:

1.( )we will hold a party ________ next sunday night.

a. at      b. in       c. on        d. /

2.(  )she is  happy ___________ the good news.

a. to here   b. hear    c. hearing    d. hears

3.(  )we are looking forward to _____________ the great wall.

a. visit     b. visits     c. visiting   d. visited15页,当前第11123456789101112131415

上一篇:Unit 5 A Food Festival 下一篇:Unit 5 Abilities 教案