
Unit 3 How do you get to school导学案


Unit 3 How do you get to school导学案

unit 3  how do you get to school


教学内容:make a list ; listen and write ; pairkwork


a. 能够谈论:how do you get to school?



   a:how does bob get to school?   b:he takes the train.



教学重点:能够听、说、读、写各类交通工具并在实际情景中会运用how do you get to school?句型进行交际活动。

教学难点:take ride the a … to + 地点 = go to + 地点 + by …

            walk to +地点 =  go to + on foot

课前准备教师准备 多媒体课件或教学挂图。


period 1


step ⅰ warming-up and revision

1. enjoy the english song "over the mountains (driving)"

2. greetings and free talk.

step ⅱ lead in

1. listen and guess what it is.   listen and guess what it is. revise the old words and teach the new words.

2. guessing game    the teacher say a sentence ask the students to guess what kind of transportation it is.

---it is like a bike but goes much faster. ---a motorbike.

---it is like a train but goes under the ground.   ---a subway.

---it goes in the water.                 ---a ship or a boat.

---it takes you about three hours to go to beijing

   from shenzhen by it.---a plane.

---it can take people to the moon.   ---a spaceship.

---it is very useful, you may ride it to school.  ---a bike/ bicycle.

3. there are so many transportations around the world. what kind of transportation do you like to choose ?

ask how do you get to school/shanghai/ hangzhou/ luqiao /paris….?

help the students answer:

i take the subway./take the bus

  take a minibus /take a taxi

  take the train / take the plane

  take the ship/take the car

  ride my/a bike

  ride a motorbike/walk

step ⅲ to work in pairs, ask and answer

  ask the students to work in pairs.

     a: how do you get to school?

     b: i walk to school.        i ride a bike to school.

        i take a bus to school.        i take a car to school.7页,当前第11234567

Unit 3 How do you get to school导学案

        i take the subway to school.        i take the train to school.

step ⅳ presentation

1.  enjoy a good flash named "how does emilio get to school?"

2.  first ask two students to ask and answer in pair.

     then ask the other students “how does he/she get to school?”

     he/she takes the subway. /……

            rides his/her bike……


step ⅴ group work

ask the students to do group work.

     a: how do you get to school?

     b: i take the bus. /…

          ride my bike/ bicycle.


     c: how does he /she get to school?

        he/she takes the bus/… rides his/her bike/bicycle.        walks.

step ⅵ work on 1a and 1b.

1. to do section a 1a look at the picture and write down the way of transportation. 

2.to listen to the tape and finish1b.

step ⅶ presentation

 ask “how does bob get to school?’ help them answer he takes the train.

 then ask “how does paul get to school?”           "he walks."

 say paul usually walks to school.       he goes to school on foot.

show some pictures to students. ask them to say like this.

    my father rides a bike to work every day.    =my father goes to work by bike every day.

step ⅷ to work in pairs, ask and answer

show some pictures to the students then ask then to work in pairs.

  a: how do you get to......?  b: i take/ride/walk......

     i get to school...by.../on...

step ⅸ summary

take/ride the/a ...to+地点=go to +地点+by....

walk to+地点=go to +on foote.g. he often takes the subway to work.

    =he often goes to work by subway.

注意:当home, here, there 作地点时 to 不要。

step ⅹhomework

1. copy the new words.2. make a survey: how do your relations go to school/work?

3. make a report according your survey.


period 2


教学内容: listen and repeat ; write ; listen and check ; match ; pairwork

教学目标:a. 学习和掌握运用数字的表达方法,如forty , fifty , sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred, 以及正确运用以下词汇:minute, take, how far, kilometer, mile.7页,当前第21234567

Unit 3 How do you get to school导学案

b. 熟练掌握和正确运用下列句型:

how long does it take?          it takes …

how far is it from…to …?      it’s …

c. 了解东西方文化方面的不同,教师介绍一些相关的文化背景知识。


本课需要重点掌握句型:how long does it take?how far is it from…to …?


本课时的难点是:how long does it take?           it takes …

how far is it from…to …?      it’s …

it takes …中takes 易漏掉“s”。而且在人称转换时动词的正确形式学生仍旧较难准确把握。





1. greeting

what day is it today?what’s the weather like today?

how do you get to school?how does he/she get to school?

how do your parents get to work?

2.show some pictures ask some students ask and answer in pairs

a: how do you get to school?b: i take the bus…

a: how does he/she get to work?b: he/she takes the bus….

3. show a picture then say how does he/she get to work?

step ⅱ lead-in

1.sing a number song2. revise the numbers from 1 to 20.

3. learn and tell the differences and the same.

4. say these numbers.5. have a competition.

step ⅲ play the tape for the students to finish 2a&2b.

then play again and check the answers.

step ⅳ presentation

1. show the students a picture of a clock.

   say an hour=60 minutes   2:10____2:50/40 minutes

   it takes her about 40 minutes to go to school by bike.

   2:10____2:25/15 minutes  

it takes her about 15 minutes to go to school by car.

2. show some pictures.

  t: how does he get to school?  s: he walks. / he gets to school on foot.

  t: how long does it take?  s: it takes twenty-five minutes

  t: how long does it take you to get from home to school?

  s: it takes me 20 minutes to go to school by bike.

  t: how long does it take you to get to from home to


  s: it takes me 10 minutes to go to school by bus.

step ⅴ section a 2c

listen and check( √ )the kinds of transportation that you hear.

listen again. match the times with the kinds of transportation.

step ⅵ pair work ( 2c and grammar focus)

make a conversation about how you get to school and then  act out in front .7页,当前第31234567

Unit 3 How do you get to school导学案

step ⅶ do some exercise

a: how do you ____ _____school?b: i ______ ride my bike, but sometimes

   i ____ the train.a: ____ _____ does it take?

b: it _____ about forty-five minutes to ride the bike and

   fifteen minutes by train.


1. they ride their bikes to  school. (就画线部分提问)_____ _____ _____ get to school?

2. it takes 50 minutes to get here. (就画线部分提问)

_____ ______ _____ it take to get here?

3. it takes only 10 minutes to take the bus. (改为同义句

it takes only _____ minutes _____ ____.

4. it takes about 40 minutes on foot. (改为同义句)

it takes about ______ minutes ______ _____.

step ⅷ  presentation

t: how far is it from your home to school?s: it’s about 10 kilometers.

t: how far is it from your home to school

s: it’s about …kilometers/meters/miles. ( if need, offer them help)

  1kilometer=1000meters    1mile=1609meters

step ⅸ  pair work

look at the picture. ask and answer questions.

 a: how do you get to school? b: i take the subway.

 a: how far is it from your home to school? b: it’s three miles.

 a: how long does it take you to get from home to school?

 b: it takes 25 minutes.


period 3


教学内容: read and answer ; info gap race ; match ; pairwork ; listen; groupwork.


c.词汇掌握:bus stop, bus station, train station, subway station

d.巩固句型:how do you get to school?    how does it take?     how far is it from…to …?

            well, i ride my bike to the subway station.  next, i take the subway.

            then .... finally,..


a :how do you get to school?    how does it take?     how far is it from…to …?



本课时的难点是:在真实的环境中,把各种交通工具用next, then, finally等连贯起来运用





teaching procedures

 suggestions& explanation

stepⅰ warming-up and revision

1.greet the class and enjoy the english song "row your boat"

2.check the homework.

step ii  reading: work on 3a

1. read after the tape and pay attention to these questions above it.

2. read this text again by yourself and try to answer the questions

3. explain the text and check the answers.7页,当前第41234567

Unit 3 How do you get to school导学案

   ( answers: by bike and by bus, 35 minutes.)

step iii  pairwork

1.pay attention to the conversation on the top.

2.suppose one student was lin fei and his/her partner ask him some questions. make the other conversations in pairs.(give them five minutes)

3.ask some pairs to act the conversations.

step ⅳ info gap race

first help students form groups of three. because three students work together in this activity.

stepⅴ make a survey

1. interview (采访)your other classmates or our teachers here. by using the following questions:

      how do you get to school?  

      how far is it from your home to school?        

      how long does it take ?

2. report:

  peter's home is about … kilometers far from school. he walks to school. it takes him about ten minutes….

step vi  presentation (section b 1a)

show some pictures on the screen. teach students some key words.

say something about the pictures one by one.

for example:

  this is a train station. trains stop here.

  this is a bus stop. buses stop here.

  this is a subway station.

  this is a bus station.

  (ask students to repeat these words.)


        (this activity introduces more key vocabulary.)

step ⅶ role play ( work on 1b)

1. first ask two students to read the dialogue to the class.

sa: how do you get to school?

sb: well, i ride my bike to the subway station. then i take the subway.

step ⅷ  listening

 1. work on 2a

 (1) first ask students to read the list of information

     that thomas wants to know.

     …where nina lives.

     …how far from school she lives.

     …how long it takes to get to school.

     …how she gets to school.

     …what she thinks of the transportation.

 (2) tell students what transportation and bus stop mean.

bus stop 汽车站  transportation n. 运送;运输

then tell students we'll hear a recording. please put a checkmark in front of each thing that thomas wants to know.

(3) now play the recording for students.

   (have students pay attention to the sample answer.)7页,当前第51234567

Unit 3 How do you get to school导学案

(4) then correct the answers.

2. work on 2b

   show two sets of pictures on the screen.

( answers:   picture 2 should be checked. )

step ⅸ  groupwork ( work on 2c)

  in this activity let students tell how nina gets to school. ask students to use the pictures in 2b. and write these sentences on the board.

  first she …. next she …. then she ….



period 4

教学内容:listen; read and write; survey ; role play



b.词汇掌握:north america, school bus, depend, by boat, must, car


how do you get to school?    how does it take?     how far is it from…to …?

most students ride their bikes to school. many students walk.

some other students take the bus. students drive.

a small number of students take the subway.

how far do you live from school?

i live 10 miles from school..  



a :how do you get to school?    how does it take?     how far is it from…to …?







teaching procedures

 suggestions& explanation

step ⅰ warming-up and revision

1. greet the class as usual and enjoy an english song.

2. check the homework.

 ask some students to report how their parents get to their offices. if they use these words “first, next, then” , give them presents and praise them.

step ⅱ  presentation.

  show some new words on the screen. then teach the new words and ask students to repeat.

north n. 北部;北方             east n. 东方;东部south n. 南方;南部             west n. 西方;西部north america 北美洲school   bus 校车

although   pron. 虽然,即使,尽管depend v. 依赖;依靠           depend on

by boat 乘坐小船must       aux. v. 必须;一定要river    n. 河流        lake  n. 湖泊

than 与,比

step ⅲ reading  ( work on 3a )

1.first play the recording of the article to students.7页,当前第61234567

Unit 3 How do you get to school导学案

2.now let students read the article again. then have them look at the five sentences on the screen.

(1)in north america, not all students take the bus to


(2)other parts of world are different from the united


(3)in japan, the three most popular ways of getting to

     school are bus, train and bike.

(4)in china, bikes and buses are the most popular means

     of transportation

(5)students in hongshan lake and kaishan island have to

     take a boat to get to school.

3. read again the passage carefully and answer these


   (1)how do most students go to school in north america?

   (2)how do most students go to school in japan?

   (3)how do students usually go to school in big cities

      in china?

step ⅳ 3b

1.first let students look at the chart.

 this chart shows how students get to garden high school. there are 175 students riding their bikes to school. the number 175 means most. ( that is the sample answer. ) at garden high school most students ride their bikes to school.

( make sure students know what to do. )

2. ask them to finish the activity individual-ly according

   to the chart.

3. then check the answers.

step ⅴ  task

1. task one : make a survey ( work on 3c )

2. task two:  survey find someone who …

3. task three: tomorrow is national day .

   tomorrow is national day . where are you going? how are you going?

game step ⅵ  " what other transportations do you know? "

     well, let's make a competition.

     show some pictures of other transportations.

 let's who know more than others.

     (maybe students can exert their imagination.)

step ⅶ  self check 1

1.first tell students to use these words: “ride, take,

live, think of and get to” to fill in the blanks. ask

 them to do this exercise individually.

2.then check the answers

3.then ask students to make their own sentences with the


step ⅷ  pairwork : self-check 2

 first let students look at the picture. imagine you meet an american who needs help. his friend is ill in hospital. he has got a map. but it's a chinese map. he doesn't know chinese. can you tell him how to get to the hospital?

step ⅸhomework

1.write 3c down in your exercise book

2.finish off the exercises.

上一篇:7B Unit 5 Grammar (2)教案 下一篇:Unit 10 Can you play the guitar?