
Unit 11 What do you think of game shows?


Unit 11  What do you think of game shows?

 unit 11  what do you think of game shows?

教材分析:in this unit students learn to tell their likes and dislikes.

教学目标:1、学会表达喜欢和不喜欢的感受   2、学会辨别电视节目  3、能谈论节目



一、teaching aims:

1. learn some names about different kinds of shows  2. learn to talk about likes and dislikes

二、topic: talk about likes and dislikes.

三、teaching guide:

1 knowledge objects:

1). match the vocabularies:soap, sitcom, stand, mind, agree, king, nothing, host, culture, sunglasses, belt, wallet, key ring, fashion, said, article, put , cap, idea, colorful, word

2). master the phrases:talk show, sports show, game show, soap opera, think of, in fact, animal world, chinese cooking, key ring, ask about

3). master and use:what do you think of soap operas / sports shows?i can’t stand them. we don’t mind them.what does he / she think of dumpling king?  she doesn’t like it. what do they think of anna?  they love her.

2. ability objects:

1. train students’ listening and writing skills.2. train students’ speaking skill and reading skills.

3. moral object:

each has his likes and dislikes. please choose what you like and give up what you dislike.

四、important points:

1. the phrases in 1a.

2. the target language: what do you think of ...?i like / love ...i can’t stand ...i don’t love / like / mind ...

五、difficult points:

1.the target language.2. the structure: what do you think of…?

六、teaching steps:

step 1 revision  revise the new words about tv shows

step 2: listening (2a, 2b)

1. call students’ attention to the five phrases in 2a and read them.

2. draw students’ attention to the picture and understand the 2 girls are talking about the tv show.

3. play the recording the first time, students listen and number the expressions 1—5 as they hear them.

4. check the answers: 1   2   4   5   3

5. play the recording the second time, students listen and fill in the chart. before listening, draw their attention to the dialogue in 2b.

6. check the answers: 1)love  2)like   3)can’t stand  4)don’t mind  5)don’t like

7. students practice the conversation in 2b in pairs and make their own conversations about tv shows they know.

8. check some pairs.

step 3: practicing (3a)

activity 1

1. call students’ attention to the list of tv shows and ask a student to read the names to the class.

2. ask students to work in pairs: what do you think of english today / sports news ...?2页,当前第112

Unit 11  What do you think of game shows?

3. ask students to work in pairs. student a looks at this page. student b looks at page 85. ask and answer questions:

what do yang lin and alan think of these cctv show? then fill in the blanks.

4. check the answers: yang lin: loves, likes, doesn’t like, likes, can’t stand, doesn’t like alan: loves, likes, doesn’t like, likes, can’t stand, doesn’t mind

activity 2

1. call students attention to the conversation in 3b. teacher reads it to the class. ask students to pay attention to the blanks.2. work alone. ask students to use the information in activity 3a. fill in the blanks.3. check the answers.1)yes, i do.  2) i like it.  3) i don’t like it. 4) english today  5) i like it.4. ask students to practice the conversation in pairs in 3b. then make their own conversations.

activity 3

1. students work in groups. take out a piece of paper and list tv shows as many as possible.

2. students write down what they think of the tv shows on the paper.

3. ask one of students to do a report for their group. listen and check.

step 4: homework

 1. copy the new words.

2. make some similar dialogues like 3a.

上一篇:七年级英语上册语法教案 下一篇:I’m watching TV教案