
Unit 1 Dream homes


Unit 1 Dream homes

unit 1 dream homes


unit 1 dream homes


二、教学目标:掌握unit 1的语法、介词和数词




1. at, in


例:let’s meet at six o’clock at the school gate.


例:i was born in shanghai, but now live in beijing.

2. on, above, below, over, under,


例:(1) we are now standing on the top of the mountain.

(2) the supermarket is just on your left.


例:(1) the picture is above the blackboard.

(2) the temperature is above the zero.


例:(1) there is a new bridge over the river.

(2) the ball you are looking for is under your nose.

3. near, beside, nearby, by, next to

near:near=not far, 表示“在……附近,在不远处”。很多情况下等于beside 和nearby。nearby除了用作介词外,还可用作形容词或副词。

例:there is a big shopping mall near our school.

by: 表示比near更近的地方,意思为“靠近……, 就在……边上”。

例:let the children not play by the water.

next to:相比较距离最近,表示“紧挨着,紧靠着”的意思。

例:kitty sits next to sandy.

4. between, among


例:(1) sandy sits between kitty and me.

(2) do you know the difference between american english and british english.


例:(1) we are hiding among the trees.

(2) who is the tallest among the students?

5. in front of, in the front of, behind

in front of:表示“在……(范围以外)的前面”。若要表示“在……(范围内)的前面”,则要用in the front of。另外,与before比较,在表示场所时,常用in front of,而很少用before;表示动态效果的“在……之前”时,常用before。

例:(1) there is a big tree in front of our classroom.

(2) i sit in the front of the class.

behind:表示在某一物体的后面(= at the back of ),与in front of互为反义词。

例:the hotel is just behind our house.

6. in, into, out of, inside, outside



out of:是into的反义词,表示“从……出来”。

例:(1) we are in the reading-room now.

(2) the boy jumped into the water.

(3) the students went out of the classroom.


Unit 1 Dream homes

例:(1) he is looking inside the room.

(2) please go outside.

7. along, across, through




例:(1) walk along (down ) the street till the end.

(2) i walked across the square to look for a taxi.

(3) it took us half a month to travel through the forest.

8. opposite


例:(1) the window is opposite the door.

(2) he stood opposite.

(3) it’s on the opposite side of the street.



we use cardinal numbers almost every day. we use them for lots of different things.

1. 基数词的读法:

(1)表示“几十几”的数,十位和个位之间用“—”连接。e.g.: 32 thirty-two

(2)101—999之间的数,百位和十位之间加“and”。e.g.: 928 nine hundred and twenty-eight

(3)1000以上的数,从后往前每三位一段,倒数第一段读thousand,倒数第二段读million,依次类推。e.g. 8,543,601 eight million, five hundred and forty-three thousand, six hundred and one

2. 基数词的运用:

hundred, thousand, million, billion等一般用单数,但以下情况用复数:

(1)表示不定数目:e.g. hundreds of       millions of


e.g. in his twenties       in the thirties


0 zero 10 ten 20 twenty 100

1 one 11 eleven 30 thirty one hundred

2 two 12 twelve 40 forty 1,000

3 three 13 thirteen 50 fifty one thousand

4 four 14 fourteen 60 sixty 10,000

5 five 15 fifteen 70 seventy ten thousand

6 six 16 sixteen 80 eighty 100,000

7 seven 17 seventeen 90 ninety one hundred thousand

8 eight 18 eighteen     1,000,000

9 nine 19 nineteen     one million



we can use ordinal numbers to order things and events. we use them to talk about dates, floors, results, etc.

e.g. uncle jim will arrive on the seventh of june.

the restaurant is on the sixth floor.

millie came first in the english exam.


cardinal numbers cardinal numbers ordinal numbers ordinal numbers

1=one 10=ten 1st=first 10th=tenth

2=two 11=eleven 2nd=second 11th=eleventh

3=three 12=twelve 3rd=third 12th=twelfth4页,当前第21234

Unit 1 Dream homes

4=four 13=thirteen 4th=fourth 13th=thirteenth

5=five 20=twenty 5th=fifth 20th=twentieth

6=six 21=twenty-one 6th=sixth 21st=twenty-first

7=seven 22=twenty-two 7th=seventh 22nd=twenty-second

8=eight 23=twenty-three 8th=eighth 23rd=twenty-third

9=nine 30=thirty 9th=ninth 30th=thirtieth

language points:

1. 序数词的运用:

(1)表示日期:e.g.: 6月1日  on the first of june/ on june (the) first

(2)表示编号:e.g.: lesson 5  the fifth lesson

(3)起副词作用,前无“the”e.g.: simon came first in the english exam.

(4)序数词前有限定词修饰时,不加 “the”. e.g.: this is my first lesson.




1. there is a lamp         the desk         my study.

2. her printer is         her computer.

3. he is shorter than bob and peter. he sits         them.

4.the shelf is         the top bunk bed.

5.li ping is shorter than wu dong but taller than wei hua. so he sits         them.

6.the toilet is         the classroom.

7.our teacher is testing us         numbers.

8.they played a game          school.

9.look         the numbers below and write the numbers out         words.

10.the teacher asked kate         some phone numbers          the class 2, grade 7 students.



1. 2036         2. 732210          3. 46809           4. 128         

2. 掌握序数词的写法,了解基数词和序数词的区别,并能正确熟练地使用基数词



ⅰ. 根据句意或所给的数字用正确的数词形式填空。

1. there are        (三)bikes over there. the      (三)one is for you.

2. the building has        (十)floors. the supermarket is on the       (九)floor.

3. there are       days in a week. monday is the        day.4页,当前第31234

Unit 1 Dream homes

4. we have       months in a year. december is the         one.

5. millie is a good student. she often comes       (一)in the english exam.

6. my birthday is on the        (二十)of june.

7. mother’s day is on the        (二)sunday of may.

8. there are s       minutes in an hour.

9. on tuesday, the       (十一)of april, we’ll go to beijing.

10. i get up at        (六)every morning.

11. the e       day of march is women’s day.

12. there are        seasons in a year, the        one is winter.

13. the building is       (109) years old. it stands at the       (18) bank street.

ⅱ. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. this is my         (one) day in beijing.

2. this idea sounds         (well).

3.          (final), let’s       (play) a game.


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