
Unit 6 What are you doing for vacation?


Unit 6 What are you doing for vacation?

unit 6 what are you doing for vacation?


unit 6 what are you doing for vacation?









  1. plan

  2. away

  3. send

  4. ride

  5. famous

  6. europe

  7. something

  8. leave

  9. forget




1. go camping / hiking / sightseeing / fishing / bike riding


2. go away    离开,走开

3. for vacation   度假

4. rent videos    租赁录像带

5. vacation plans   假期计划

6. take a long vacation  度一个长假

7. think about   考虑

8. decide on    决定

9. get back   回家;返回

10. in the countryside  在乡村


(三) 重点句型

1. what’s sb. doing for vacation? 某人假期打算干什么?

2. who is sb going with? 某人要和谁一起去?

3. —how long is sb staying? 某人要呆多长时间?

—he / she is staying for... 他/她要呆……

4. where is sb going for vacation? 某人要去哪儿度假?

5. can i ask you a few questions about...? 我能问你几个关于……的问题吗?

6. i hear that... 我听说……

7. i can’t wait! 我等不及了!

8. ... is a good place to do sth. ……是个做某事的好地方。

9. sb thought about doing sth., but decided ... 某人考虑过做某事,但是最后决定……

10. i hope i can forget all my problems! 我希望我能忘掉我所有的问题。

11. i just finished making my last movie. 我刚拍完我最后一部电影。

12. i want an exciting vacation! 我要过一个令人激动的假期!






i am                    for vacation.


be (am / is / are) + v. -ing是现在进行时结构,此处表示将来意义。现在进行时常用于表示计划要做的事,且后面跟表示将来的时间状语。如:i am playing basketball tomorrow.


go +v-ing是一种习惯表达,常用来表示从事某种活动,意为“去……”。如:go swimming去游泳;go skating 去滑冰;go shopping去购物;go hiking去远足;go fishing去钓鱼;go sightseeing去观光。



the greens are staying here for a month.

→                     are the greens staying here?


how long意思是“多久;多长时间”,通常对表示“一段时间”的状语进行提问。如:

—how long did you work in this city?4页,当前第11234

Unit 6 What are you doing for vacation?

—for three years.


how long还可询问物体的长度,意为“多长;长度是多少”。如:how long is that river?



please send me an e-mail.

→please              an e-mail              me.


send sb sth意为“给某人送/寄某物”,相当于send sth to sb。如:my pen pals often send postcards to me (=my pen pals often send me postcards).



①与介词to连用,表示动作是“对”谁发出的,如bring, give, tell, show, send等。如:she gave me a beautiful card (= she gave a beautiful card to me).

②与介词for连用,表示动作是“为”谁发出的,如buy, sing, make, get, cook等。如:my aunt bought me a nice skirt (= my aunt bought a nice skirt for me).



i always think about                (move) to a quiet place.


think about意为“考虑;思考”,后面通常跟名词、代词或动词-ing形式。如:my father is thinking about flying to beijing.


think of意为“认为;想起”。如:what do you think of this book? 而think over意为“仔细考虑”。如:please think over what your teacher said.




i want to do                                 this time.


do something different意为“换个口味;换件事做”。形容词修饰不定代词something, anything, nothing, somebody, nobody等时,需将形容词后置。如:

—is there anything new in today’s newspaper?

—no, there’s nothing unusual.



hainan island is a good place                (go) for vacation.


动词不定式作后置定语,修饰前面的名词。如:sally is always the first one to come to school every morning.




提示词:十一(国庆节)      national day


when  from october 1st to october 6th

where tibet

who my parents and i

what to do go hiking in the mountains, go fishing, visit some well-known(著名的) places.


one possible version:

national day is coming. my family plan to take a vacation in tibet. it’s really a nice place to go sightseeing. there people can feel nature. we are leaving on october 1st and staying there for five days. there are lots of interesting things to do in tibet. we are going hiking in the mountains, going fishing and visiting some well-known places there. i believe we can have an exciting vacation!4页,当前第21234

Unit 6 What are you doing for vacation?



一. 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。

1. sally is going h              in the mountains this weekend.

2. our family are going a           for three days. can you look after my little dog for me?

3. the man’s job is to s              letters to different people.

4. i often get different p              from my aunt. she often goes to different countries.

5. everyone should make an english-learning p              for this term(学期).


二. 从方框中选择适当的词汇完成句子。

what, when, how long, who, where

1. —              are your parents going to america?

—next week.

2. —              are you doing for vacation?

—i’m visiting my cousin.

3. —              is ted staying in toronto?

—about four days.

4. —              are the boys going next month?

—hong kong.

5. —              is susan going to singapore with?

—her grandmother.


三. 用适当的介词完成句子。

1. his father went to tokyo                   a sunny morning.

2. dave often goes to the beach                   his uncle on weekends.

3. when he gets back                   school, please let me know.

4. mary plans to stay there                   two weeks.

5. does your friend often call you                  canada, mary?



1. what’s it                    (as, like) in the south of canada?

2. we need                    (a few, few) eggs. go and get some, lucy.4页,当前第31234

Unit 6 What are you doing for vacation?

3. i’m tired and i need to                    (relax, relaxing).

4. peter usually sleeps                    (a lot, lots of) on weekends.

5. this time his father is                    (taking, bringing) a long vacation.



1. did you finish                (read) the book?

2. peter lambert is a great                (france) actor.

3. don’t forget                (wash) your hands before meals.

4. everyone needs                (see) a doctor when they are ill.

5. they’re thinking about                (join) the baseball club.



1. i went to the movie with my sister last weekend. (用next替换last改写句子)

i                           to the movie with my sister next weekend.

2. the tourists are going to stay in beijing for a week. (对画线部分提问)

                                       the tourists going to stay in beijing?

3. they’re getting back to the farm this afternoon. (对画线部分提问)

                          they getting back to the farm?

4. david enjoyed himself in the park yesterday. (改为同义句)

david                                 in the park yesterday.

5. ann’s going sightseeing in the great wall. (改为同义句)

ann’s                                  the great wall.

上一篇:初一英语上册知识点--词组和重点句型 下一篇:Unit 4 Where’s my backpack