
Unit 8 Review


Unit 8 Review

lesson three       重点语言知识:       食品类:sweet food 甜食  sour food 酸味食品  spicy food 辛辣的食品  salty food 咸味食品1. write the answers on a piece of paper.  在一张纸上写出答案。       要点: paper 不可数名词    a piece of paper  一张纸2. give your paper to your teacher. 把你的纸给你的老师。        要点:= give your teacher the paper.  

lesson four       a. 1. little amy met a dumpling lady, with a wok upon her back.        要点:meet – met  2. said little amy to the dumpling lady, “may i please have a snack?”        要点:little amy said to the dumpling lady.        say sth. to sb.   跟某人说某话       my teacher said to me, “ you are the best.”3. said the dumpling lady to little amy, “ show me first your penny.”        要点:show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb.     = show your penny to me first.           b. 1. what’s your favorite food?   你喜欢的食物是什么?       pizza. 2. where is that from?   它来自哪个国家?       german. / italy. 3. who made this porridge?  粥是谁做的?        my mom. 4. when do you eat dinner?   你什么时候吃晚饭?        usually at 6:00. 5. do you need some water?  你需要一些水吗?       yes, a little. 6. does it taste good?  味道尝起来怎么样?       yes, i really like it! 7. can you make dumplings?  你会包饺子吗?       yes, they’re easy to make. 8. can i try a sausage? 我能品尝一根香肠吗?       sure, take two of them.   

上一篇:七年级英语下册 Unit 3 单词表及重点词汇整理 下一篇:Unit 2 Is this your pencil?教案